Move-In Day Mania

Advice and suggestions from people who have been there and seen it all

As of the posting of this blog, we are less than a month away from our newest class of students (shout out to the Green Class of 2027!) moving onto campus. In the spirit of that timeline, we wanted to compile some advice and suggestions of ways to make your life easier and better during your move-in day and orientation experience.


You may not know this, but the lovely people who work in the Office of Admission have seen a lot of college move-in days. Our own college move-in days, of course, but between the people surveyed, we’ve also seen over a hundred combined Agnes Scott move-in days. We know the ups and downs of the day, and because of that, we know how to make it work for you. So please enjoy this advice!

Several students and families wearing masks push large green bins full of dorm room items.


“You’re going to want to pack more than you need, but the best thing to do is pack less and then go get more things using the Scottie Shuttle or other transportation options after you’ve figured out your space and what you truly use. The number of times we’ve seen students arrive with things that end up going back home with their families by the end of move-in day (or a month from now, or at winter holidays) is frequent. We promise–if there’s a question of whether you need it, you probably don’t.” – Angela Eyer, Director of Admission Operations

“My list of the top three things you should remember to bring with you for move-in day:” #1: A fan. If you’re from Georgia, you know. If you aren’t, just trust me: a fan is always a good idea. #2: Plenty of green clothing. Black Cat will be here before you know it, and you’ll want to be able to rep your class color at all of the events. #3: Something that reminds you of home. It can be tempting to buy all of the cool college stuff at Target or online, but sometimes you just want your favorite blanket from home when you’re feeling a little homesick.” – Stephanie Molina, Assistant Director of Admission

“These are two very practical pieces of advice from my own move-in day: The first thing you should do when you arrive in your dorm room is make your bed. That way, when you get back at the end of the day, even if you haven’t finished unpacking you have somewhere comfy to sleep without having to dig through boxes. Also, a portable dolly to help you move things around the room will change your life.” – Logan Felton, Admission Counselor

Student smiles while pushing a bin.


“Move-in is a long, hot day! If you’re an introvert like me, orientation can feel just as long. Make sure to drink lots of water to stay hydrated, and set timers every hour or two to remind yourself to step back and take a breath. It’s much easier to move through the day when you take the time to recenter!” – Emily-Davis Hamre ‘15, Associate Director of Admission

“Move-in day is full of high emotions for everyone, including your family. Please don’t get mad at them. Remember that while you might be feeling stressed or overwhelmed or nervous, they are also feeling those same feelings about you moving onto a college campus. Give them (and yourself) some grace, and if you feel like you need it, take a break to step away. You’ll feel better at the end of the day and in the future when you look back.” – Jaxen Solseng ‘09, Associate Director of Admission Operations

“It’s normal to feel overwhelmed during the first few days on campus, especially because you learn so much during orientation. Make sure to take some time for self-care when you need to and give yourself a break.” – Jasmin Magaña Marquez ‘23, Visit Experience Fellow


“During the first few days, you’ll have the chance to take part in an organization fair to see all the student life activities on campus. You should definitely attend and if something sounds even a little interesting, learn more! This can help you figure out how you want to shape your college experience, make new friends and find your own niche in the campus community.” – Jaunice Vega, Admission Counselor

“It’s important to prepare yourself to be a good community member. Maybe you aren’t used to sharing spaces like dorm rooms and common rooms. It’s important to commit yourself to being a part of those spaces in a healthy way: clean up after yourself in common areas, be a respectful roommate, and don’t hog the laundry room. These are the most common things for people to complain about when it comes to living on campus; don’t be the problem!” – Amanda Beck, Director of Financial Aid

“My first day of classes, I walked into my immersion French 101 class and understood nothing. I had never had an immersion language class before, and I felt completely lost the entire time. That feeling followed me all throughout my first classes, and I started to feel unprepared and as though I wasn’t ready for the academic challenges. Here’s the secret I didn’t find out until later: everyone else was feeling the same way to varying degrees. We just weren’t talking about our insecurities openly to each other. College is an adjustment, and we wouldn’t have admitted you to Agnes Scott if we didn’t know you could do it. Hang in there, ask for support and help when you need it, and it will eventually fall into place” – Rachel West, Director of Enrollment Marketing


“For the first few weeks on campus, the most important thing is to be open to new experiences and new people. There’s no other way to find your place on campus and to make new friends other than to make yourself available and say yes to things. Also, if you see other new students who look like they feel down, or stressed, or overwhelmed, support them! And if that’s you, give yourself a break; you aren’t alone. The way you feel during this transition is the way everyone else is feeling, even if it doesn’t look that way.” – Maddie Brasgalla ‘20, Sr. Administrative Assistant & Admission Operations Coordinator


“After the dust settles from Move-In Day and Legacy (orientation) is behind you, I hope you take a moment to be proud of yourself. You did it! Remind yourself that college is a courageous, exciting and ever-evolving choice. A choice that you made to invest in your personal, educational and professional future. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint and you are going to find your way one day at a time. So when you’re feeling overwhelmed or still finding your way through the adjustment, just know that you are ready for this experience and you are capable of so many things that have yet to be discovered. I can’t wait to watch you all shine!” – Miya Walker, Director of Admission

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