Tavie - pictured in a black top with blonde hair - smiling while looking down and placing a music stand into a bright green cart during moving day.

Woah! They’re (a little bit over) halfway there!

What our current first-year students wish they knew before coming to Agnes Scott

Our Class of 2026 is officially halfway through their first year at Agnes Scott. Around this time last year, many of them were in the same position as our Class of 2027 prospective Scotties – deciding what school to ultimately enroll in and call “home” for the next four years.  As you continue navigating the college search process, there are likely many questions you have and pieces of advice you are wanting to receive. Luckily for you, some of our current first-year students want to help you navigate this process and answer some of the questions you have. So, let’s hear from Anjali, Morgan, Tavie and Leah on the things they wish they knew before starting their first year at Agnes Scott!
Anjali - smiling widely while wearing a long, red gown - surrounded by her friends before the Black Cat Formal - a favorite tradition here at Agnes Scott!
Anjali (smiling widely while wearing a long, red gown) surrounded by her friends before the Black Cat Formal - a favorite tradition here at Agnes Scott!


Anjali (she/her) is a current first-year student who did not think she would love Agnes Scott as much as she has grown to love it. “After my tour and getting to see campus, I really fell in love with the sense of home here that I hadn’t seen on other campuses.”

What advice would Anjali give to you? Visit campuses and talk to current students! Before moving in and starting as a student at Agnes Scott in August, Anjali wishes she knew her experience would be shaped by her own experiences and expectations. “Independence really applies to more than just living,” Anjali shares, going on to share the need for staying on top of assignments and connecting with professors when you need help. Anjali has loved her experience at Agnes Scott because of the friends she has made and clubs she has joined.


Up next is Morgan (she/her), a current first-year student whose experience thus far has just confirmed she made the right college decision. Morgan joined clubs during her first semester and attended many school events. Through the experiences she has had in clubs and during events, Morgan says she feels “seen and represented, which is essential in entering a new environment.” 

When it comes to advice for prospective Scotties, Morgan shares the following advice: “Start to become acquainted with your needs, emotionally, mentally and physically, and how you can best support them entering this new space.” What has helped Morgan to transition into college life has been finding a consistent daily routine. She encourages you to be open to new possibilities, experiences and people because they “enrich who you are as a person!”

Morgan - pictured in a white top with brown, curly hair - smiling softly while wearing cat ears and a pennant necklace in front of her dorm room bed.
Morgan pictured in her residence hall.
Tavie - pictured in a black top with blonde hair - smiling while looking down and placing a music stand into a bright green cart during moving day.
Tavie placing a music stand into a bright green cart during moving day.


“Use the resources around you and don’t forget to pace yourself,” first year student Tavie (she/they) shares. They want prospective students to take advantage of their support systems and resources – whether it is through mental health resources, tutoring centers such as the Center for Writing and Speaking (or the CWS as Agnes Scott students frequently call it – a center where you can bring essays and assignments for peer assistance) or interactions with your SUMMIT and Peer Advisors – and know that everyone is here to help you. When it comes to residence hall living, Tavie’s advice is to bring some items that make your room feel a bit cozier. A larger rug, curtains and a desk lamp have been some of her must haves! Tavie encourages prospective students to pace themselves, learn about their boundaries and use the resources around them.


First year student Leah’s (she/her) must have items include menstrual products and a first aid kit. While you hopefully won’t need the latter, Leah shares, “you’ll be really happy you have it!” She thinks it’s important to bring items with you that will make you more comfortable, but also recommends not bringing “aspirational” items. Have a pile of books you have been meaning to read? A special smoothie blender you got as a gift a few years ago that is still in the box? There may not be a need to bring it with you to college right now. Take it from Leah… “If you don’t use it now, you probably won’t start using it in college.”

Leah - pictured smiling in her glasses with a bright green, frog hat - holding a pumpkin with pinked polished nails sitting in the car.
Leah and some "room decor"


Obviously, the list of things you need to know or have questions about likely goes on and on… and on. But hopefully, reading about some of our first year students and their experiences can answer some of those questions you might have. 


As you continue your college search and decision process, know that it is always okay to ask questions, but also know that it is always okay to not have everything figured out quite yet. Before making a final decision, we encourage you to tour campuses you are interested in, attend admitted student events and find ways to make connections with other prospective students. Remember, you’re more than halfway through this college search experience- you got this!


Dory Berry (she/her) is an admission counselor in Agnes Scott’s Office of Admission and alumna from the Class of 2021! Her biggest piece of advice for prospective students is to find a place that “clicks” for them and feels like home.

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