Certified Scotties Class of 2026

Meet the Class of 2026 at Agnes Scott College


Each year on our social media accounts, we highlight the stories of a number of our incoming first-year students to introduce our newest Scotties to the campus community. We’re proud to present this year’s group of #CertifiedScotties.

Close up shot of Madison Jackson

Madison Jackson (she/her)- Fayetteville, GA

If you ask Madison’s former band director, they’ll tell you that Madison is the definition of “lead by example.” With a passion for creation and a love of music, Madison took over the baritone section of her high school marching band as a strong leader. While others describe her as taking charge and helping new band members to find their footing, Madison is more humble about the experience: “It was a great learning experience on how to interact with and lead a group of my peers.”

Marching band is not the only way that Madison has been creating and serving in her community.


A long-time member of the Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta, Madison received the Silver Award for her service within the community. She also is learning to crochet and loves to read in every genre, from fantasy to nonfiction.

Madison found herself drawn to Agnes Scott because of SUMMIT. After doing the research, she made the choice to become a Scottie after meeting the ASC community and learning about the quality of education that she will receive at Agnes Scott. She’s not entirely sure what she’s interested in pursuing after college, but she is particularly interested in Art History and African-American Studies.

Madison is most looking forward to meeting her fellow Scotties and getting ready to start classes. We are so excited to welcome Madison to the Scottie family!

Olive Fahlen (they/them)- San Rafael, CA  

If you ask Olive the work they are most proud of completing in high school, the answers you get are incredibly varied; a true student of the liberal arts, Olive has been the stage manager for one of their school’s most successful musical productions, taken part in the school’s fencing club and completed a two-week Stanford clinical neuroscience program, during which they contributed to the creation of an app to help people that were recently released from incarceration.

Put all of those things together with Olive’s amazing creative work (they like to write, play the guitar, sew and paint), and you have a student who is well-rounded in all possible ways. 


But their work goes even deeper than that: in Olive’s first year of high school, they had the opportunity to design a yearlong research study to test retinoblastoma cancer treatments on lymphoma cancer cells. This research was especially important to Olive, who was diagnosed with retinoblastoma (a rare form of cancer) at a young age, necessitating the removal of one of their eyes. Olive has lived with a prosthetic eye for most of their life and has learned to be an advocate for others and themself.

Olive was drawn to Agnes Scott because of the community. “I really wanted to go to a small school, and having a school of only 1,000 kids who are all passionate, talented, amazing people is something that I’m really looking forward to.” An aspiring forensic psychologist and behavioral analyst, Olive is ready to take Agnes Scott by storm.

We are so excited to see Olive very soon on Agnes Scott’s campus!

Chloe Middlebrooks (she/her)- Nashville, TN

What are you doing at 6 a.m.? If you’re Chloe Middlebrooks, you spend the early morning hours to get in a before-school run, a fact the other students in her dorm during high school learned very quickly. Especially during the pandemic, Chloe found running as a “space to think and breathe.” She has found that running in the morning gives her the energy and ambition to move forward to tackle big problems and goals.

And tackle them she did! During her junior year, Chloe found that there was a lack of support systems for students of color at her school, specifically for other Black women like her. She attended a conference with other supportive students and teachers to learn from other schools, and together they started the “Tearing Down Walls” committee at their school. 


The committee led conversations every month to talk about ways to make the school a better, more inclusive and welcoming space for all students. As a part of this, Chloe also helped to lead the Black Student Union as president in her senior year.

Chloe always had a connection to Agnes Scott- her aunt graduated from ASC in 2004, and she was the one who recommended that Chloe should visit campus. But it was the campus visit that really cemented things. “My tour group included myself and then a group of younger students who had come with their school that was pushing for students of color to be exposed to the college process early on. The girls were very curious and open with the questions they asked- even if they were questions that you would think everyone knew. My tour guide answered the questions openly, not making the students feel less for asking. This solidified to me that this is a community that I wanted to be apart and contribute to.”

At Agnes Scott, Chloe plans to major in business management, with eventual goals to earn a graduate degree in the hospitality field and work in the hotel industry. She’s looking forward to being involved on campus, just like she was in high school.

Welcome, @chloemiddlebrooks_! We’re so glad you’re a part of #asc26.

Leah Mokry (she/her)- Marietta, GA

When we asked Leah about her hobbies and talents, she put them simply: “I think generally associate me with all my nerdy interests, namely the video games and other media I consume. Because I don’t shut up about it. ” Regardless, we’re here to listen: whether she’s talking about her Genshin Impact Discord server or her childhood love of “A Series of Unfortunate Events” by Lemony Snicket, Leah’s passion for collaboration, problem-solving abilities and unironic enthusiasm bleed through.

Leah may be a self-described introvert, but that doesn’t stop her from being fully involved and a leader in her school. She’s been involved in Girl Scouts of America, French Clubs and Honors Societies and her school orchestra. 

Close up of Leah Mokrey


Her most proud moments include volunteering with the orchestra to help mentor and be a guide for younger students.

Leah cast her college search net far and wide, but found her place relatively close by at Agnes Scott. “I really felt at home with the community and people at ASC. It was the only college that I visited that felt like it had other people so similar to me.” She also has a pragmatic view on her academic and major interests: “One thing I learned from high school is that things never turn out like you planned them. So I don’t want to set too many expectations for myself- I’m going to head in with an Economics major and maybe switch to Creative Writing if it’s not my style.”

Leah is ready to move on to campus and get settled. “I know everything will be exciting and new and scary when I first start college, but I am really looking forward to when I know what to do and how to do it in terms of dorm life and classes.” We’re so excited to welcome her to campus In just over a week! See you soon, @last.but.not.leah!

Alexa Robinson (she/her)- Birmingham, AL

Alexa Robinson is the definition of resilience. She remembers overcoming many challenges in her early life, especially after her father unfortunately passed when she was young. She attended schools where no one in the school looked like her, leading to bullying and feeling like she didn’t belong. Through these, however, Alexa has emerged as a strong student, a passionate writer and a service-oriented leader.


One of the things Alexa is most proud of from her high school experience is her involvement in a group called Heritage Panel. “It was really important for me, following the Black Lives Matter movement, to not forget all the ways I could contribute to change in our world. I didn’t want growth to stop just because we weren’t in the prime of the movement anymore. The Heritage Panel gave me a great opportunity to spearhead some real change, not only in my school, but in my community as well. I’ve left the experience feeling proud of the change that was put into motion. I feel that in one year, I accomplished much more than I ever thought I would, and I’m excited to continue work like that at Agnes Scott.”

Alexa’s search for colleges lead her to Agnes Scott. “For a while, I’d been searching for an environment where I’d feel loved and accepted as a woman of color, and I wanted to go somewhere that lined up perfectly with my values and the way I choose to treat people. I didn’t want to spend my college experience the same way I’d spent most of my life, fighting against people who didn’t view others in the respectful way I do. Agnes Scott was like a breath of fresh air and a sort of hidden gem I never expected to stumble across. I’m incredibly glad that I did because I’ve met some phenomenal world changers and I’m happy to be a part of an institution that is devoted to progress.” While not entirely sure what she wants to do in the future, Alexa is considering journalism and law, but keeping her options open.

With just under a week until move-in day, Alexa is looking forward to “acceptance and comfort in my own skin, surrounded by people who uplift one another in all situations.” We can’t wait for you to be here, @lexnrobinson!

Insherah Qazi (she/her)- Little Rock, AR

Varsity Cross Country runner. Chapter Lead of Students Demand Action. President of the Muslim Students Association. President of the PBS Student Reporting Labs. STEM Ambassador for the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Assistant Director and Production Designer of the Arkansas Cinema Society. If you’re like us, you might be wondering when Insherah Qazi had a chance to sleep! Incredibly involved while maintaining high-level classes and grades, Insherah worked hard throughout her four years in high school as a student, an artist and an activist.

But why so many things? Because Insherah has too many passions to choose just one. One of her proudest moments is being a Chapter Lead for Students Demand Action: “Students Demand Action is an organization that is dedicated to ending gun violence. This is a very important issue in the United States. I hope to start a Students Demand Action chapter at ASC this fall.”

Close up of Insherah Qazi


But in addition to her activism, Insherah is also an artist who loves filmmaking. “I think it’s fascinating, but there’s definitely a big issue with Muslim representation in the industry. The media portrays Muslims incorrectly, and that’s because there isn’t much diversity behind the screen. I hope to be involved in Atlanta’s huge film scene and fix this issue of misrepresentation.”

Insherah had a one-on-one virtual visit with an admission counselor in her senior year that made her realize Agnes Scott might be the place for her. After doing more research, she cemented that decision: “I chose to attend Agnes Scott because of its close knit community and its unique traditions.” It might not be a surprise given her many passions and talents, but right now she is still undecided academically; “I am interested in medicine or dentistry. I also find business, computer science, and filmmaking intriguing. I certainly hope to be involved in advocacy work during and after college.” We know whatever it is, it’s going to be great.

Welcome to Agnes Scott, @insherah.qazi!

Close up of Gianna Guido

Gianna Guido (she/her)- Fort Collins, CO

Gianna may be headed to Agnes Scott to start her college education, but she’s spent a significant portion of her high school career focused on educating others. As a Community Presentations Leader for Youth Advocating for Change, Gianna set up presentations for her school system to help teachers create safer environments for their LGBTQ+ students. “I was able to meet with all three levels of educators (elementary, middle and high school) and provide these “know your rights/creating inclusive environments presentations. I think I am most proud of this because I have learned so much from the experience, from having to interact with many who had varying opinions to being able to make an impact I could see in my own classrooms.”

However, those weren’t her only education efforts. As a member of One Colorado GSA, Gianna presents to policymakers on LGBTQ+ issues. 


She helped create mental health awareness programs at her school and in her community through the Lafayette Youth Advisory Committee and Sources of Strength. She even worked on making sure there was awareness of voting rights in the community through the Joe Neguse Youth Advisory Council.

What drew Gianna to Agnes Scott was “the culture of activism, involvement and passion that I felt among students who I talked to and among the staff who I felt encouraged these traits in their students.” Gianna is looking forward to a career in politics or working with nonprofits on political work, an area in which she is clearly already experienced!

Welcome to Agnes Scott, @giana.nicoll! We’re excited to have you as part of #asc26!

Doreen Harerimana (she/her)- Atlanta, GA

Doreen, sometimes called Dorri, says she is proud to have grown up in an immigrant household. Her family is originally from Burundi, and like many immigrant families, moved to the U.S. for better opportunities. Doreen’s parents always put a high value on education, obvious in Doreen’s many achievements. She’s a first-generation high school graduate, and she will in the future but a first-generation college graduate, breaking generational barriers to higher education.

Education also means outside of the classroom, which is something Doreen obviously knows well. Throughout high school, she’s been involved in athletics, numerous clubs, worked part-time jobs and even interned at a marketing firm in Atlanta. 

Close up of Doreen Harerimana


The one activity that she considers the most pivotal, however, was her experience with student government. In her senior year, she served as the Student Government President, taking issues within her school directly to the school board. Her advocacy also awarded her a position on the Atlanta Public Schools Board of Education Student Advisory Council. She says it’s where she found her passion for advocacy, politics and for bettering educational systems.

That passion and advocacy continues forward into Agnes Scott, where Doreen plans on being pre-law to eventually attend law school. She also wants to work on a long-term goal of building schools for girls in Burundi. She found the support she needs for those goals at Agnes Scott. “It was the support from the Scottie Staff that felt like the cherry on top. From the Office of Admission to the Office of Financial Aid, I felt truly cared for and like I was part of the school before I fully committed. When I took my final tour of the school, I knew that I had found my tribe.”

We’re so excited to see how you grow, @xo.dorri! Have a great first day of classes!

Annabelle Magid (any pronouns)- Germantown, MD

Classical guitarist. Public speaker. Weightlifter. Car Detailer. Speed Ice Cream Eater. Leader. Annabelle is a true renaissance student, the kind that friends describe as “outgoing, approachable, passionate, energetic, bold and open-minded.” Throughout high school, Annabelle has gained and focused on numerous passions across the spectrum, from interning on a farm working alongside adults with disabilities to being president of the National Honors Society and Mock Trial.

The through-line, however, is that all of these passions have a true focus on human rights. 


Annabelle was invited to be a speaker at multiple international and local conferences on the subject of the intersectionality in feminism, gender expression and social equality form women. They’ve also worked on issues surrounding people with disabilities and lack of media representation for LGBTQ+ people. It’s a true focus on building up human rights in many different arenas.

Annabelle chose Agnes Scott because of the community. “Despite being one of the furthest schools (I looked at) from home, the sense of community and support through the admission process, in-person visit and truly even roommate searching felt so close to me, it was a no-brainer.” At Agnes Scott, Annabelle intends to focus on Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies and Religion & Social Justice.

We’re so happy to have welcomed this world-changer to campus. Congrats, @annabelle.magid!

Ryan Barber (she/her)- Durham, NC

There are a lot of things that teachers, mentors and friends might say about Ryan Barber. However, after reading her thoughtful answers to our questions for her profile, we want to label Ryan above all as insightful. When asked what she’s most proud of from high school, she had this to say: “Thinking about this in a more abstract way, I think one of the things I’m the most proud of is my growth over the years. Thinking about who I was at the beginning of my freshman year and who I am today is absolutely like looking at a different person, in the best way possible. The changes might seem small, but growing in my boldness, self-awareness, sense of self and enjoyment of life was so crucial in getting closer to my best self. Along with these personal wins, I’m also proud of the relationships I built.”


“For example, starting the “Curls Club” with the Director of Institutional Equity at my school is an experience that I look on with pride and fondness. The club offered a space for black girls in the high school to gather and talk about everything from our hair to our experiences in a predominantly white environment. The freedom and joy that I felt in that space and other tight-knit groups made me truly realize the impact of community.”

Ryan’s growth has also come in learning how to deal with her OCD and anxiety. “Going through life with these diagnoses hasn’t always been the easiest. It’s been confusing, frustrating, stressful and painful to say the least, but I’m happy to say that I sought out a therapist and it’s been awesome; I’ve been doing well!! Being able to learn new strategies, process my emotions and have a safe space to talk has been so helpful. All of this to say, it won’t always be easy (understatement of the century), but help is out there, you aren’t alone and brighter days await.”

Ryan found her home at Agnes Scott following a tour, where she felt “captivated” and at home on the campus. “As I learned more about Agnes as a school and their values, I really connected with their mission of fostering the growth of educated global leaders and felt drawn to the school. I was also really intrigued by and excited about the idea of a diverse women’s college, coming from a predominantly white private school and hoping for a change of environment.” Ryan hasn’t decided on a future career yet, but she’s considering psychology, music and art. 

We’re so excited that you are a Scottie, @ryan_barberrr! Thanks for closing out our Certified Scotties.

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