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    A Look into a First-Generation College Student’s Story

    Why Finding Your Best-Fit College Late is not the End of the World Two weeks after I had walked across the stage to receive my undergraduate diploma in 2006, I remember my mother sitting next to me on the couch in my parent’s home that I had just moved back into before starting my first real job after college. She put her hand on my leg to distract me from the TV screen I had been watching, and said with tears in her eyes, rather out of the blue: “You graduating from college… that was a really big deal wasn’t it? We should have made a bigger deal about it,…

  • Agnes Scott College Office of Admission logo

    Perspective: A Blog on Admission, Scottie Style

    Introducing the Agnes Scott College Undergraduate Admission Blog per-spec-tive /pərˈspektiv/ noun A particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view   Each year, millions of college-age students begin one of the most important stages of their journey to adulthood: the undergraduate college search process. During this time, they’ll have such all-consuming questions as “which college is the best fit for me,” “how will I pay for college,” “what should my college major be,” and/or “what college experience will best prepare me for future success,” among others. To find the answers to these questions, they’ll seek the advice of family members; input from high school guidance counselors;…

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